Sunday, 30 September 2007

Day 1: Sunday Workout

Not much to say now after all the introductory posts of the day.

Had an evening workout today, started with a quick warm-up on the treadmill, 5 minutes at 1 minute intervals, starting at 10 kph and finishing at 14kph. You can use any speeds it, is not designed so that you are exhausted by the end, merely to increase the heart rate and warm the muscles through ready for a weights session.

Weights were simple today, I am using heavier weights at the moment with lower reps:

  • 12 x 4 Bicep curls
  • 12 x 4 Lying-Supine Two-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension
  • 12 x 4 dumbbell flys
  • 12 x 2 barbell bench press

I try not to rest between sets, if I need to give my muscles a break then I do squats or calf raises and then continue with the weights.

I have not quoted any kgs for the weights as this is purely dependent on the individual. However this as low as I go with regards to sets so I try to pick a weight that I can just manage 12 reps with.

With little time between exercises you cannot lift weights that you could if maybe you took 2 - 3 minutes between sets. I am trying to lose fat and retain the muscle I have not to put on any significant amounts of muscle so I have found that this works well.

I finished with a light 1000 metre row, just to stretch out and some ab work on the mats. Again nothing strenuous today on the abs just 10 x 3 fit ball raises really works the lower abs.

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