Thursday 24 April 2008

Day 4: As Expected the DOMS

Well I was not surprised to wake up this morning to a very achy upper body. It has gotten worse over the course of the day but I can still bend my arms currently but I have concerns about tomorrow and I will be going for another upper body workout tomorrow, this time really concentrating on my back.

Today however was my legs and shoulders and I know that they are going to be really sore as I hobbled out of the gym after it today. I did full barbel squats, standing rows, leg extensions and shoulder press. All of these were performed with very limited rest periods so it really gets the pulse racing.

Had another good day nutrition wise as well and am felling stronger and fitter with each day.

Really looking forward to the routine tomorrow. Found it on which is a complete workout for your back. Not sure what will I will do Saturday but there will be something, as Sunday's will be my day off from now on.

Anyway I have more work to do so

Until tomorrow...


Debbie said...

Hi Andrew - a big warm welcome back! I still think of how you & Adam were doing those cardio routines and you said you were 'green' or 'sick' from them. Remember that? I was impressed on how hard you could push yourself. I was feeling 'green' last week after training lower body so I know what that feels like.

Shred hard, Andrew.

Otter Christy said...

Have a great weekend. Hope you're not too sore. :)