Sunday, 13 July 2008

Day 84: My Sons First Run

An historic day today, my 9 year old has been on at me to take him for a run all week. So we had planned to go today. Finished the ironing (as usual) then got changed and went out with him. The day was perfect, nice and sunny very little wind!!

We were almost at the 1 km mark when his stomach started to hurt, not sure whether it was a stitch or something else. We kept going for a bit but then he needed to walk for a while. We then kept running and walking for the rest of the circuit. He did really well and finished with a great sprint, it was just a shame about this pain.

He enjoyed it apart from that so I don't think he wants to go again!! We will see, not gonna push him, he knows he can come anytime. We covered 3.3 km together so he did brilliantly and was not out of breath at all.

The rest of the day was pretty active as we had friends round, 4 kids in total which meant non stop football, trampolining and various other activities, had a good water fight mixed in there too.

It was a great weekend, now for a relaxing evening and then back to some serious running.

Until tomorrow...

7 comments: said...

That's great that your son ran with you. 3.3 km is pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

Nice to be able to do things as a family.

juli gets happy said...

Great family-activities like this are good for bonding. :-D

Unknown said...

Hi Andrew:Great start for your son's first run...if it's in him to do, he'll run again without any persuasion. Great going on your own progress.

Mike Groom said...

Andrew, I always love reading about your family activities. Great that you can find the time to spend doing this.

Marbella said...

Andrew am so in awe of you doing all you are doing! You must be the best Dad in the world, and besides doing ironing. I would give you the blue ribbon in a second. Glad you had a good day. Take care.

Andrew said...

Hey Lilla, It was great him coing along and I was well impressed he went for the 3kms.

Hi Larry, That's what life is all about in my book.

Hi Juli, Couldn't agree more.

Hi Diane, I'm certainly not pushing him, he'll do it when and if he wants but he is arleady thinking about next Sunday already, despite the pains!!

Hi Mike, I'm glad you enjoy, I certainly enjoy the doing.

Hey Lynda, Far from it I suspect but we all do our best by our kids. I don't get a great deal of time during the week because of their school and my work so the weekends are the perfect time!!

Take care everyone,
