Saturday, 5 July 2008

Day 76: A better day

The weather turned out great, got some jobs done this morning and then trailed the kids on their bikes for a couple of miles.

Have registered for Nike +, my user name is bloodsweat but it will be middle of next week before I get my sportsband, couldn't get the Ipod thing as I have a classic and it only works with the nano.

Will have a lot of catch up to do by the time it arrives!!

Until tomorrow...


Marbella said...

Hey Andrew...thrilled to have you in the NIKE+ run. We need to tell LILLA about you and she´ll put you on her list. Will do that for you. Am about to go out right now for a walk...hope a long one today. Need to plug in my ipod and keep forgetting. Have a good weekend, and HURRY and get into the challenge....

juli gets happy said...

Wow, this is so cool that you also eneterd the challenge!!!


Andrew said...

Hi Lynda,

Thanks I have posted a comment on Lilla's blog with my username, I am at the mercy of the shop, hopefully they will be in stock tomorrow and it will be posted and I will get it Tuesday but who knows!!

Hey Juli,

Great to see you, yep it is pretty cool how we all join up to each others challenges, makes it a bit more exciting.

Take care,
