Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Day 93: Getting up at 5am doesn't Make for a good Evening Training Session!!

Well as the title of today's post would suggest I was up early to get into the office today. It is a 3 hour round trip to drive to and from the office so it's not just getting up early but concentrating on the traffic too. There is 7 + hours in the office also.

As soon as I got home though I got changed into my running gear and played a bit of football in the garden with the boys until my youngest threw the ball over the fence due to frustration!! As soon as he was picked up for football I set off.

Boy oh boy though as soon as I set off I felt tired. I had already been up for over 12 hours by this time. I ended up doing 5k but it was a very slow time today but I am glad I managed to get it in today as I thought I would lose out on a workout today completely.

Until tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Good job on following through and getting the workout in. You'll sleep well tonight.

Marbella said...

Great that you got thru your run. It always does make you feel pleased with yourself when you push a little. Again, don´t know how you do all you do. Am proud of you and your perseverence!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes life gets in the way! Who needs sleep anyway! (I do!)

juli gets happy said...

Hey Andrew,

you are doing so well. Greta that you managed a training in. When it comes to running it is always the fine line between quality-kilometers and just running to bring some kilometers under your belt. You are doing great.
Keep it up like this.

Meredith said...

Hi Andrew, sounds like an exhausting day. You seem to really have a good balance...you sound like you always make the time for family...but manage to squeeze in workout time as well. Way to stay true to your goals

Andrew said...

Hi Larry, I slept very well indeed!

Hi Lynda, Your right, if you can do something you were not sure you could you feel great. It's not as hard as it sounds!!

Hi Shari, Doesn't it just. I need mine too...

HI Juli, I agree, if you put in 100% then you will get something out of it even if that 100% is not as fast as the day before.

Hi Meredith, I'm lucky to work from home so I can fit my training into my lunch break, otherwise I am not so sure I would be able to cram it all in.

Take care...