Thursday, 22 May 2008

Day 32: Getting Sweaty!

It's getting warm again in the UK and I think the gym's air con was playing catch up today!! It was another 45 minutes loaded into the treadmill with a starting speed of 10.5 kph so another 0.1 kph above yesterdays.

At 10 minutes this went to 10.7 kph, 20 minutes 11 kph, 30 minutes the speed was increased by 0.1 kph each minute with the final minute being run at 16 kph.

Again as yesterday I still felt like I had a bit more to give which is great news. Needless to say by the end of it I was dripping with sweat!!! But there were no tears!!!

My back is still twitching a bit but that is fine as I will not go back to the weights until next week.

Off out for a meal tonight so no doubt there will be a few more calories consumed than normal but I will limit it.

Feeling really great at the moment, fitness wise and body wise, I think there should be some more good results next week. Keeping to eating clean and drinking load of water which I think is doing me the world of good.

Until tomorrow...

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