Sunday, 3 August 2008

Day 105: Nearly a Washout

Well the weather continued it's theme of dark and wet today which is a real shame as it was the towns annual lifeboat day.

The rain did hold off for most of the afternoon so the stunt plane came in for an aerobatics display. The lifeboats did their mock rescue and then the coastguard helicopter came in and winched a few people from the boats.

All in all it was OK but not the as good as when the sun is shining and you are laying on the beach in your swimmers enjoying it. There was no street BBQ to round the day off either this year as about an hour after things finished up the rain started again and is now lashing down.

Hopefully the weather will pick up in the week, if not I will be back down to the gym if I get time.

Until tomorrow...

2 comments: said...

Aw bummer. Darn weather not cooperating. Hope the rest of your vacay is sunny!

Andrew said...

Hey Lilla, Today was much nicer...