Friday, 16 May 2008

Day 26: Tough Evening

Another good day so far, have eaten really well, and manged the 3+ litres of water. Good back and abs session at the gym today. Really feeling yesterday's workout which is good.

Have a day maybe 2 to recover now over the weekend, depending on what happens with the family.

It's been a tough evening though, feeling really tired for some reason and all of a sudden the cravings kicked in a couple of hours ago and are still hanging around so I need to find something to keep myself occupied so I don't go and snaffle all the kids chocolate.

Pics will be up tomorrow now as I am bit short on time tonight.

Until tomorrow...


Otter Christy said...

I know what you mean about the cravings. It must be something in the air or something in the wind whispering chocolate. Looking forward to your pics.

Anonymous said...

I've been fighting cravings too. all the time acutally. i, too, need to buckle down on the nutrition.
you are doing well!

Andrew said...

Hey Suzette / Christy,

Well I am managed to get through the evening without giving in but was so tired so maybe that was why. Have been fine today so far!! Pics are going up shortly.

Take Care,
